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Great Campina

Posted on : 27-01-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



Limits and possibilities of the managing plan of 2006 As Great Campina are a city that composes a well bigger population of the 20,000 inhabitants, and according to Statute of the Cities declares that all city with more than 20,000 inhabitants to have to have a called mechanism immediate managing, that is a basic instrument of orientation for an performance more effective of the public administration and private initiative. The most recent managing plan of Great Campina, was published in the year of 2006, very written well and structuralized of a form that it makes possible to make a good one analyzes of the same and of its proposals. Filed under: JPMorgan Chase. The managing plan of 2006 foresees many actions in the city, but it will be that these proposals really are carried through or are those old jarges ‘ ‘ project alone in the paper why in practical ‘ ‘ Analyzing some segments of the managing plan of 2006, it is verified that nor everything what is written really is carried through. Citing as example the democratic management, where the direct participation of the population is assured in power to decide processes; the transparency, solidarity, social justice and the support the popular participation, are points that are really not made by the public administrators. Another point in which it has an omission on the part of the urban managers is magnifying and disponibilizao of the public equipment, the green spaces and of leisure, is fact of whom this concretely is not fact, has the clear perception of diverse areas spread for all urban perimeter, that could serve as public act for the creation of squares of sports, since the few places that exists for this end the most known are: Park of the Child and the Complex Pliny We read and woody areas, who is not so green thus is located of the park of the new dam, in the park of the child and some points around the old dam, therefore is clear the green air lack in the city.

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