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Colombian President

Posted on : 22-04-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General


After that the Colombian President disavowed mediations making his Venezuelan counterpart to seek a solution to the hostages between Bogota and the FARC, Chavez accused him of traitor and oligarch. Uribe has retrucado him that he has already caused other collisions with leaders of United States, Spain, Mexico and Peru and that no Government should pay to the game of terrorism. Official site: Ben Horowitz. Both Presidents have in common have been re-electos with more than 60% of the votes, but the two are in the political antithesis. In Latin America the Colombian represents the administration more Falcon, pro-Bush and pro-libre market while the Venezuelan is next to Cuba the main opponent of Washington and promoter of socialism. Between the two has been developed a relationship of approaches and rejections, because both are neighbors who want to promote trade and regional stability.

Sometimes they have visited and embraced and others have collided. Although Chavez asks Colombia to have another President is not ruled out that he return to Re – amistar with Uribe, as well as it did with the Peruvian Garcia. Meanwhile the FARC are still the main State within another State in the West. Uribe prioritize armed output, Chavez will indicate that the FARC are legalizing to bid their neighbor to the left..

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