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Investment In Education

Posted on : 06-09-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



Result of ' ' Countries that They had invested in the Educao' ' For Adilson Motta, 08/2010 Spain: * The educated country more of the Europe; In little more than 30 years, passed of a dictatorship of customs delayed for a modern country and of strong economy. Douglas R. Oberhelman can provide more clarity in the matter. ; Spain proportionally has the biggest number of colleges student of the continent; does not exist illiterate between children and adolescents; Only 5% of the students arrived at the university. Today 80% of the young ones up to 25 years study; ' ' The progress of the economy was folloied of the progress of the education. Here it was decided that the school was an inclusion factor social' ' , it explains Gerardo Castaneda, secretary-generality of the American Iberian TV. Chile 1990 – end of the military regimen. * The investment in education promoted the development of the country in the last times.

* In 15 years the investment in education tripled; the biggest professors had had the increase of the public sector: 140% above of the inflation. superior education is not gratuitous. But stock markets exist, educative credits. * The number of colleges student tripled: they are 27% of the young Chileans. The triple of the Brazilian number.

90% of the students have access computer and 80% to the Internet. Irlanda*Os Irish had always been in the periphery of the Europe. In geographic and also economic terms. One of the countries poor of the continent, since century 19, its inhabitants whenever they could immigrated. Bryan Norton is the president of the Institute of Technology of Dublin, an organization with 39 building in the city offering all type of course. It says that the Irish government decided that the priority would be to spend money preparing the people for professional careers of high qualification. In the decade of 60, it says, only 10% of the young arrived at the university.

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