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Administration Studies

Posted on : 27-08-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



Criterion of exclusion: – studies that approach the licitations without if coming back toward the centered acquisition. Initially one will be to the description and the definition of the licitation and the register of prices in the Brazilian legal system.

After that, it will be seen the differentiation between type and modality of licitation. Amongst the modalities, emphasis for the proclamation used in the SRP will be given. The central boarding of the subject dealt with the SRP specifically, its concept, definition, advantages, disadvantages, procedures for implantation, among others. It was treated, also, on the centered acquisition, approaching the ODS that carry through centered licitations citing examples of purchases that are made in those agencies, beyond defining the advantages and the disadvantages of if carrying through a centered licitation. In the analysis of the data of acts of proclamation and the results for supplier, extracted of the Comprasnet, by sampling, in a total of 100 (one hundred) proclamations, two item of permanent material and two item of consumption material had been analyzed. Finally, an analysis of the percentage of economy of public resources was made, comparing the licitatrios processes carried through centralizadamente and the carried through processes of form not centered. 3 RESULTS AND QUARREL vocbulo ‘ ‘ licitao’ ‘ it comes from the Latin licitationem, derived from licitatio or licitationis, whose meant he is ‘ ‘ procedure for which the Public Administration selects the proposal most advantageous, when purchase goods and services or makes others transaes’ ‘. The Brazilian Administrative law attributes the direction to it of previous administrative procedure necessary to make possible contracts of Administration, mainly from the reform administrativa2.


Posted on : 17-08-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



However, one evidences that so that the philosophy of the education if becomes indispensable the formation of educator; the same one will have finally to be faced as a radical reflection, with severity and acting in set, on all the problems faced for our education, therefore currently, is presented as modismo, without performance force. At last, what it will take the educator to filosofar is the confrontation and reflection of the problems that it finds when carrying through its daily drudgery in the education, and the current conjuncture, the correct one would be the reflection on our reality human being, searching to lay a wooden floor which its mannering aspects; which the concrete existenciais requirements in seara of the Brazilian education, and from will occur the development of a worthier education there. In this context, we can say that the mission the one that charges the Philosophy of the Education at the current moment is to offer to the educators of all the spheres a new method of reflection. Such method will have to make this educator to face the educational problems at last, penetrating in its complexity and directing the solution of the questions to the inherent o subject. problems are several. Some of them are previsible; others will be result of the proper development of the action. The educational philosophy therefore will have as object auxiliary the educator to develop greater capacity to reflect deeply on the problems, therefore without the had preparation, in this globalizado world, where everything is new and the information possess greater brevity, the possibilities of success of this professor sufficiently will be diminished. Summarizing the philosophy of the education it will have as primordial function to follow reflexiva and critically the educational activity in order to point its beddings, to clarify the taken over on a contract basis one and to contribute conclusive on the diverse ones you discipline pedagogical without damage to evaluate the meaning of the chosen solutions, therefore an education of a philosophical conception does not exist possibility to take the handle independently. With this, the pedagogical action will result more coherent, more discerning, more joust and at last, more human being.


Posted on : 11-08-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



In case that it does not have resignation fits to the man to obey the Mr. in order to guarantee its protection. Then, to the sovereign by means of the social contract a power is granted limitless and to the man it is given the duty to submit itself the domination of the sovereign. Males that weakens the State the sovereign, according to Hobbes, must observe some symptoms that can have as consequence the decay of its monarchy, thus to guarantee the stability of the state, such as: The reduction of the power of the sovereign, the freedom given to the man and the antagonism between the secular power and the spiritual. The monarchy is marked by the absolute power of the king (sovereign), so that this either guaranteed is necessary that the power either centered at the hands of an only person, because the division of the power it can take the monarchy the decay, therefore Hobbes says that he is ' ' &#039 opposes the essence of the state; ' (HOBBES, p 246) the division of the power. The decay if of the one for the fact of that when dividing the power, the detainers of the power can rebel themselves and instead of guaranteeing the peace (this is its mission) can generate the discord serves as apprentice retaking it initial of the savagery man.

In the monarchy the only individual that possesss total freedom is the sovereign, therefore the men yield its freedom in exchange for the security of its lives. The freedom human being is reduced by the civil law created by the sovereign, is from whom the men develop its moral conscience. The man for itself, or either, lead for its proper conscience, it can be opposed this law established for the sovereign. When firming a pact with the others, the man grants to the sovereign the right to determine which the laws propitiates for the order and the performance of the man in the society.