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Accessing New Information

Posted on : 21-09-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



Where the information if finds is not most important and yes the access to the information; the emphasis in the management of the information is dislocated from the quantity for the access, of the supply for the flow of the information, of the systems for the nets. Under the banalizao of the technologies of the information, Garden (2004, P. 1) speaks that the users (the least excluded of the access to the technologies of the information) they do not produce new demands to the archives, libraries, centers of documentation and provoke the realocao or suppression of borders that demarcate such spaces. The trend to the alterations in the forms to manage, to spread the information and to manage the resources it related (human, technological, etc.) is a slow, complex and contradictory process, in special in the case of the dependent countries. Therefore, virtual informacionais spaces emerge (libraries, archives, etc.) whose existence, far from excluding the traditional documentary institutions, it suggests new possibilities to them of management of the information. The new means of production of the information and of its use in the society of the information make possible the access to the independent information of where it meets; the displacement of the systems for the nets; the acquisition of new vocations for archives, libraries and centers of documentation that they renew functions that it are historical and surpass others. How much to the models of the information services, Garden (2004, p.2) cites Le Coadic (1997) for this the predominant paradigm in the information services more is come back to the sender who to the receiver of the message? it tends to be substituted by that one directed the receiver-user. For Garden (1999, p.1) the model sender-receiver is considered linear, mechanist, hierarchic and different, faces, therefore, some questionings, therefore it does not investigate effectively if the user well was taken care of.

Biotica Biotica

Posted on : 14-09-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



Development Concept of Biotica Biotica is fruit of a society that reached the democracy with full exercise of the citizenship, with the affirmation of the instructed citizen of a pluralista and secularizada society. It is also, a product of the society of postindustrial well-being and the expansion of ‘ ‘ human rights, of third gerao’ ‘ , for the peace, for the development, environment, respect to the common patrimony of the humanity that had marked the transistion of the rule of law for the state of justice 3. According to Escobar (1990) apud Leather strap (1993), the biotica is born in a scientific environment, as a necessity felt for the proper professionals of health, in its ampler direction, to protect the life human being and its environment. Ben Horowitz is likely to agree. It appears of an effort to interdisciplinar on the part of many professionals of the health, who join its efforts in the inquiry of human values in which they inspire its work. Apia more in the reason and the good moral judgment of its investigators of what in some philosophical chain or religious authority. From there to be its principles and orientaes of independent and universal character. Learn more at this site: Douglas R. Oberhelman. If it in such a way does not treat to elaborate theories, but, yes, to go ha practical to guide the researchers, the technician, the scientists eticamente, the legislators and governing so that they evaluate with rightness the repercussion human being of its respective works and take measures corresponding 3. The ethical professional knows and respects the code of ethics in the exercise of the profession, justifying all the times that necessity will have to act breaking the pertinent norms and principles, rights and duties to the ethical behavior of the professional.. .

Characteristics Of Primers

Posted on : 08-09-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



Primers should have good adhesion to different surfaces, both new and previously treated, providing a good foundation for proper coating material. The primer smooths the surface tension coating, thus covering material will better adhere (bind) to the substrate. It's hard enough to put a finishing coat on a new old covering as a tool to easily inflicted material glides over the surface. The primer provides a proper basis for the roughness of the successful application of a topcoat. Compared with a topcoat, a primer often have higher solids content and, therefore, they have a higher occupancy of that better allows you to hide imperfections. However, for high quality paint finish is very important to thoroughly prepare the ground, as paint can not hide surface defects and the defects on the contrary a clear stand after the finish paint.

Primer paint dries quickly and is easy to sand, which is important in the preparation of the surface. Deal paint over the primer, compared with a topcoat can be faster and, therefore, at this time-saving. Hiding power of a good primer, usually even better than the coverage topcoat. Nevertheless, it is better tinted primer close to the tone of the cover with a layer of color applied to a smaller number of layers in the final painting. In most cases, a primer and topcoat for well-covered and smooth finish. Primers reduce the absorption of the surface.

There are big differences in absorbency substrates. Especially porous gypsum-based fillers and powdered cement based putty has a relatively high absorption, while a sheet of cardboard to drywall sections absorption is low. If the absorption of the surface before painting primer is not aligned, then a finishing layer is more opaque in places of joints containing filler with a high absorbency. If you use no absorbent primer decreases the absorption of the substrate. If such a surface to paint, then application of the primer increases the duration of work with a topcoat, which in turn will contribute to the achievement of a lighter consistency of results.