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Group Think

Posted on : 26-02-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General

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High cohesion in groups cause of groupthink can be if it results in decision situations of social isolation and/or strong social pressure to unanimity. for example, when sectarian in religion, sports, politics, etc. In sociology, a distinction is made between a structural and an individual cognitive component of social capital human capital. Social cohesion is the cognitive component: universally recognized standards, the sense of security and a feeling of stability in the respective municipality. Dustin Moskovitz. Around 80% of all business consultant (business studies ‘ he) are so ineffective, because they think mechanistically.

Recommendations never affect human behavior on the basis of rational statistics (Hardfacts)! In particular, if discussions are trying to change only the individual employees. People work more holistically in the context of their group binding (soft facts) on the Base of their psycho social individual authenticity. People love cyberneticist are not machines! There, you must want to sell not constantly new seminar topics. Your method is wrong! Team management a company (management process, SPM) we are dealing with a double management (vs. Systematics) to do: the human nature (management 1 + second-order: neuro-Physiology and psychology) and the cultures of the team (Cybernetics 2nd + 3rd order: sociology and group dynamics). The closed systems of team’s (family, group, crew, Club, Department, company, Club, parte, organization, etc.) are mechanistic sub systems (Cybernetics) nature (management), because it is human (volitional) controls: sociological systems theory of the system according to Niklas Luhmann is a philosophical sociological theory of communication with universal standards, with which the society will be explained. According to Luhmann’s concerns “to capture the extension of human assets, the complexity of the world and to reduce”. In principle, there are These three types of systems, namely biological systems, mental systems open, dynamic/energetic and social systems, closed, static where Luhmann’s focus on the latter system is. All systems is common that they must operate to exist.

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