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Professional Chaplains

Posted on : 06-10-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



The reliable level, takes the best allegiance to the treatment. Better adhesion to the medical regimen, in turn, improves the result of the illness. The mechanism for which the religious envolvement could influence mortality seems to include psychological aspects of integration and social regulation and resources. Many of these works suggest that religiosidade and espiritualidade can have a significant impact on the physical health. It is important that professional of health they investigate the influence of the religiosidade and espiritualidade in the life its patients, and know adequately to deal with such feelings and behaviors. Howard Schultz spoke with conviction. An adequate training is necessary to integrate espiritualidade and practical clinic (STROPPA; ALMEIDA, 200, P.

8). When subjects complex spirituals if make gifts, are important to direct the patient the people with more knowledge in this area. A chaplain who is certifyd by the Association of Professional Chaplains has extensive fact training to know more on the necessities spirituals of the patients in medical scope. This training at least involves four years of studies, three years of studies in schools of theology and, in any another place, of one the four years of pastoral clinical education. The formal training is followed of written examinations and prays before the certification being given (KOENIG, 1997, P. 15).

2.6 The Cares with the Patient Terminals Attitudes as respect to another one, shelter, participation of familiar, comfort, attention to the necessities spirituals of the sick people bring, ‘ ‘ fora’ ‘ to face situations of great adversity as, for example, the death.

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