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The Quality

Posted on : 29-12-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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They can happen to us, even so, strange things, experiences that can satisfy our mind. They even can produce changes in the quality of our mind, but everything happens at mental level, the totality of the being does not grow for that reason. We are not deceived, we are in a hurry to change, but not to grow. The anxiety of the experiences does not imply growth, something that will happen in the totality of our being, not in a fragment of him. The ego cannot bring about a transformation, the mind cannot secure the liberation. But when egoica brings back to consciousness it relaxes in no action, appears silence and the incondicionada, universal energy, acts on our being it fills, it of a vigor and a totally new totality and works through him. If we want to learn to leave the expectations and desires, then we will have to spend a little time seated and in silence.

Seated with the column and the head in the vertical, breathing comfortably and amusingly, with depth, and the body in relation to the Earth. Some parts of our body will indicate with a certain hardness or rigidity to us. The loved life teaches with dulzura our limits to us and it communicates to us what zones are not in form. It puts to us in relation to our body and it recommends an appropriate diet to us without sugars, neither salts, nor spices, to have the less fermentations and the less toxins. Like right consequence the flow of blood, the respiratory movement and the psychological activity will calm more freely. We must educate the body to sit down correctly, to know the vertical and to walk correctly.

To undo the rigid and hard zones requires patient time and confidence. To remain in the dimension of silence, place, isolation, without interferences. To enter silence little by little, without doing nothing, is the dimension of not to do, not to react, not to know. We are with us, returning to house. To observe the movement of the breathing, where and you feel how it, without interpretations conditional, you do not make a problem don’t mention it. The conditional mind is very peculiar by knowing what happens in that place of the stranger. And the ego wants to return to the past and to feel gratificado, if, this is succeeding me. The mind always moves towards the interpretation, when it is already in suspension and nor the sounds, nor the lights worry to us, then we deepened at another level of our being In conclusion, we must enjoy silence, be identified and so the meditation in its profit can provide us. concienciasinfronteras.com indicates to us that To meditate it is to find the eternity at the present moment. It implies to the totality of my being to any answer that needs my inner or outer life. To meditate is to learn to have an attitude abierta to any thing that arises in our mind, while we observed its movement. It is ligature to the time, neither to the space, nor limited by the mental constructions. It is the relation with the things as they are. It is an observation purity, without clinging and rejection. It takes us to the understanding and the understanding without needing analysis.