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The Direction

Posted on : 17-12-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



Proper it already starts if to recognize as territory of the diversity, contorcionista of the uncertainty, prisoner being able of them they fold that it. But a school that says the language of its time-space could continue making the difference in the socialization process and education of the human beings. Thus, we make ours the Pepper words (2004), for who the school can until moving of name, but needs to exist as a learning space, of systematic education and acquisition of the culture. Studies appeared, in the last few decades, on the intelligence and the learning present discovered innovative that denote the necessity of the school and its protagonists to rethink the form as they work and as they act in relation to the forms as the pupils learn. New conceptions and theories question practical pedagogical standardized and uniformizadas used for the professors, demonstrating that all can learn of different form, for different methods, in different styles and different rhythms, come to the meeting of a basic postulate defended by Becker (2004), of that we must respect the capacity of learning constructed until that moment for each citizen. I recognize ' ' … that it has learning capacity if it was constructed and if to continue to be, indefinitely, reconstruda.' ' (2004, P. 44).

These constataes demand a new organization of the work of the school and acting of the professor. Although let us know that we learn of different forms, science did not obtain to demonstrate as if they give these differentiated processes, increasing the blackness in the direction that the school must give to the conduction of the pedagogical work. The more the neurocientistas help in to understand them these causal mechanisms underlying, bigger it will be our capacity to understand the mysteries of the learning of the human beings and which the paper that ours environment and experiences exert in this capacity.

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