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The Empire

Posted on : 04-06-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General



As the Empire initiates with the coup d etat of Napoleo Luis, in 1852; Napoleo III will be crowned, with being able absolute. Much more that for the repression, the new regimen if supports for the propaganda: great public works, as the road reform of Paris, the modernization of the bureaucracy and the economic development will become the acceptable regimen for the bourgeoisie. The marriage with the Spaniard Eugnia de Montijo also did not help: the foreign empress tremendously unpopular age. Here, Ben Horowitz expresses very clear opinions on the subject. from 1860 the emperor if becomes visibly tired and sick. The book searchs to give one shows of imaginary and the social situation the gifts in the end of As the Empire. The clipping carried through for the author shows a hindered society of speaking on politics that spends all its energy in malicious gossips, trivial new features and searchs of the pleasure; the French press of the one has detached mrbido to a case of murder in series that concentrates the attentions of the public for months.

Prostitution had grown amazingly: although to have 3,500 girls registered in the policy as prostitutes in Paris, it was said without I exaggerate in up to 100.000 women practising ' ' ofcio' ' , comings of all parts of the world; this, associated to the conditions of hygiene of the city, created one occasions of venereal diseases. Haussmann, nominated plenary powers mayor of Paris with, lead one radical reform in the city between 1853 and 1870. The city literally projected of new and was reconstructed; sets of ten of thousand of people had had its knocked down houses and had been remanejadas for new habitacionais areas; the sewer net was quadruplicated, opened 80 kilometers of streets more than, and avenues had been widened of 7,5 meters for 30! The main revolution, however, occurred in the railroad net, that was sextuplicada; Paris was endowed with a complex railroad system that not only integrated it all the parents, but to the continent; this fed a virtuous circle of by vol.

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