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Zimbo Quatro

Posted on : 19-10-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General



A mature, faithful public and of good taste, that folloies the group since the gone times, which, modstia the part, I include myself. We had with the group a very next contact, when my son, today the singer and composer Mariane Mattoso, studied musicalizao and piano in the CLAM. At the time, it with nine years, participated of the group of flute candy, which if presented also in one program of television of great hearing, singing and touching the classic Watercolor of Brazil de Ary Barroso, folloied for the Zimbo Trio. The group of Flute candy gained a record: Zimbo Trio and the Children. Beyond the Mariane, my woman, the musical educator Clia Mattoso, studied piano with the Amilton Godoy during good time. In those times we had until the pleasure to receive them in visit our house in Are Bernardo for one cafezinho and a flavorful one beats papo when the group studied the possibility to create musical partnerships in the region. Good times also were those of the hearings of the CLAM, when we found the mother of the Amilton, today with 97 years.

It spoke with pleasure as she disciplined the boys (Amilton, Amilcar and Amilson) to study piano in Bauru, in the Forties. ' ' They were 8 hours of study per day and nothing to play while they did not finish lies' '. It is the test there of that talent is not alone inspiration, but also needs much disciplines and perspiration. thus, the old and good Zimbo Trio, that now he is almost ' ' Zimbo Quatro' ' it rejuvenesceu with the entrance of the competent Marine contrastock exchange operator Andreotti that substituted the saudoso Luiz Keys and also of the Prcio Spia a talentoso baterista young that makes rotation with the inigualvel Rubinho Barsotti. The group promises that it will continue for much time if presenting for the palcos of this deep and sensible Brazil to good music, considering that Amilton still is in full form, lying down and rolling during in more than one hour of show.

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