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New Civil Code

Posted on : 20-04-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



The marriage between people of the same sex continues being inexistent act for the Brazilian law. Much of this if must to the fact of the Brazilian population be formed by a majority of catholics who believe the ideals spread out for this and the Brazilian legislation when accepting the religious principles finishes for not materialize the State as being lay. Of any form, exactly not existing specific legislation that the same regulates the atinentes questions to the relations between people of sex, it can be observed that the constituent had the same given a bigger importance to the existing affection in the relations between people of sex. E, some relations homosexuals already had today acquired recognition for the law, beyond already terms a significant movement in sights to become legitimate these unions. 1. Steady union the constitution of 88 started to recognize as familiar, passvel entity of state protection the steady union enters man and woman (art. 226, 3). This institute, during long historical period, was known as concubinage that it denoted: ' ' life drawn out in common, under the same ceiling, with the appearance of casamento.' ' 1 Not obstante, was not only the denomination that if modified with the time.

In the concubinage, for example, testamentary benefits of the man married to the concubine or the inclusion of it as beneficiary of contract of safe from life were forbidden. Today, the steady union acquired a new status, in virtue of its constitutional forecast, now accumulated of stocks also for the New Civil Code. 2 For if dealing with similar institute to the marriage, without, however, the formality necessity, the steady union also has as estimated the diversity of sexos. As much doctrine, how much majoritria jurisprudence understands that it has only society existence in fact and not steady union, between people of the same sex.

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