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Posted on : 22-10-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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In addition to this you can walk almost ready intellectually, if you mix up with orange-cap boletus Gruzdev, then the "birthday boy" will have the opportunity to show off their knowledge. It’s believed that Starbucks sees a great future in this idea. And if your mushroom "hunting" finished eating strawberries, then no one because this does not upset you? 🙂 Dream come true from childhood can be a journey "to distant lands." Of course, "Around the World in 80 Days" Nobody is going to go. But to fly away on the coast to see his own castle, albeit a little out of the sand, it is possible. Less expensive way to see the world will be a trip to a nearby town for the weekend. With the Internet, you can easily find a couple of hours to learn all the most famous tourist destinations, buy tickets and book a hotel room. Our entire conversation is devoted to the route "on the story" for one person, but sometimes you can take with loved ones. Sometimes, to be happy, do not need to go anywhere: home will be pleasant and easy "day of idleness." Stock up on "goodies" and possible ways to spend time. Try combine all the holiday dinner, or make opponents in board games.

You can wallow in the afternoon the couch and watch a comedy on DVD, and you can get the photo albums and laugh together over the children's photographs. And the last. Do not forget to stop the happy moments! In addition to photographs of this will help you to various "little things" such as a ticket out of the museum, shops, a check, a piece of ribbon from the "Tree of Wishes", labels with purchased items and wrapping paper gifts.

The Way

Posted on : 21-01-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General

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In fact, we only think we know what we want our children. We only think we know what is best for them. We know what is best based on the desires of our own selfishness. This is better – for ourselves, but not for children. And no wonder that kids do not want to follow our desires. If a child many years earlier was associated with parents, grandparents, experience wise, were the best of advice.

The family council was going not only on 'who to marry, what house to buy, to what college to go', but in order to decide whether teenage son to wear pants-pipes. Can you imagine that today? At best, the child listens to your opinions and make their own way. At worst – plucked to rudeness and losing confidence overgrown offspring, but will find accusation: 'You've ruined my whole life. " We're in a hurry to hang a label – indigo children. 'Bringing up the boy according to his ways' – say the Kabbalists.

But how do you know what is the way your child? He is sitting in front of you – a little in front of a bunch of the broken machines, or have a big, awkward with his eternal, 'Well, ma am, well, okay, I know. " It's not a child – because he was not inside vlezesh, and even if it seems that it is 'your', in fact – nothing similar. He – 'your own'. And you are just re-created in light of its protein coat, giving some of their genes, their cultural backgrounds and their love (if you could give him is love and not their selfish desire stuffy). If initially try to treat the child as an individual person, rather than as a property as a part of themselves and at the same time to myself, as a part of it (though for the mother, almost physically associated with the child, it is difficult), then may be easier to find exactly his way, in which he is seeking. It will be the protagonist of his life, and you – only an assistant. After all, by and large, we can give a child? Money, property, utility Singles – all of this, as experience shows, is valuable only to those who earned it himself. Upbringing and education – perhaps most important, but only if it will really help. Now if we could give child is the knowledge, weighed down by a diploma and an outlook, an outlook on life, which would help to choose the right environment, which provided for a child the right effect and it would have to correct actions and decisions. This feature actually 'kabbalistic education' – parents must give their child the correct outlook on life. What do you mean 'correct'? Tell how the world works and what is the meaning everyone's life. This is the most important thing that we can give our children, and then everything else in life too complicated – and family and work. The young man will not be rushing, trying to find out what the main thing, which dedicate their efforts and time. After so many mistakes could be avoided if you are able to separate the primary from the secondary. But in order for something to give, you need to own it to have. No wonder they say that the main caregiver for a parent – a child. So start with yourself? Baby food – made by man

Hourly Professionals

Posted on : 09-10-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



After set appointments its schedule, it certifys of the experience of the producer and the demercado time aid sufficient, trajectory of the professionals and the specialties. The churches and buffets generally recommend to definitive producers in esquemade partnership, and the results can not be of its taste, therefore importnciade to consult with other people, makes with that it has a bigger freedom deescolha. Permission of igrejAo to choose a church for its ceremony of marriage, certifys quevoc will have freedom in the choice of a video producer. Some igrejasapenas allow the producers with which they have partnership. It requests demonstraesDurante its contacts with producers, probably will be shown vdeoseditados with better moments. Deum also requests to see the filming all complete marriage including the ceremonial, thus you will have an idea better daqualidade.

pessoalmente knows the professionals important to know personally the professionals who will be cobrindoseu marriage, observes if they are likeable therefore during all the marriage will elesestaro next and interacting with the fiancs. It is certifyd that osprofissionais that you are knowing you will be the same ones that gifts nodia of the marriage will be. Some producers if use of ' ' free-lancers' ' eno day can appear a team that you never found before. It argues tambmos suits that they will use. Closing ContratoAlguns details they can consist in the service contract as: Number of used cameras Hourly enclosed Services and time of duration of the filming works. Price totalForma of payment.

Professionals who will be in the day of casamentoTipo of cardpio, sonorCenas names and more important music for track and photos that they do not have to be of forPrazo of delivery of the edited work. Therefore; as well as the photographer, valley the penalty to plan well before escolheruma producing that it inside offers optimum possible service of its budget. ' ' free-lancers' ' Oucinegrafista photographer contracted to give covering in the event, representing aempresa or professional. J.Ricardo Sobradiel

Way of Life

Posted on : 06-03-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General

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How can I live when you know that “you do not like it?” In this article we will not for some of these people do not like all that into something defective or not normal for any moral, ethical or social norms, but only with girls who seem to many people around them “netakoy” as well as how to live in such a ‘special’ in modern society. Today we often hear that there are more and more people are referred to as “gray mass”, “mediocrity” that they do not have manifestations of creativity, or rather some kind of creative endeavors, emotions, and they can not be spontaneous, they are very predictable and not interesting. But what the same happens when we find these creative and spontaneous people? In response, we hear: “You do not like that! YOU ARE weird! I’m starting to fear your surprise, and an abundance of varied emotions. ” I am among those people, because I am very emotional, like many of the girls, I can cry just remembering some touching story, I laugh a minute, making up for the course of the next joke, and it really does not like is not correlated with the apparent belief “drops Women’s attitudes are directly dependent on the so-called PIP “or simply on critical days. In addition, I am very peculiar some crazy ideas, and stories.

I propose some theory, for example, can express their point of view about the last Olympics, and then tell the interpretation dreamed of sleep, and then discuss the likelihood of collapse of ancient civilizations. This change of mood, thoughts often brings confusion into the so-called life ordinary people who are afraid to express their thoughts, experiences, keep them inside and bright explosions of such as we, the people with the mobile psyche, to use scientific language, take a slightly abnormal. Since high school I and some of my friends were not so much persecuted as nedolyublivaniyu from classmates, and so it was in school, and at the Institute, at work .. What is most interesting, most people thought you abnormal, but pointed out that you is a very positive person and with you fun and interesting. What is the most terrible in all this rejection, so this is what often is your favorite young person, which you do not mind chaesh, one day said, “Yes you just crazy! I was afraid of the appearance of your desires or even thinking “How sad to hear that … So what do we, girls or guys who are very active, versatile, bold in their thoughts, feel free to manifestations of emotion, ready to surprise your loved ones and give the same preslavuty creativity, about which so requests our contemporary society? We need to be a! Everyone likes to impossible! We are, after all, not a piece of chocolate cake! You just have to understand it and most importantly to take! There will always be people who will truly appreciate our spontaneity and creative approach to a vision of life. In addition, all the little men of genius crazy … well maybe just a little)).

October Revolution

Posted on : 24-11-2011 | By : leeDS | In : General

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The power has always been the privilege of men, but it so happened that a woman would not give such opportunities only to strong sex, especially if allowed to individual ability. Therefore, for ages, the ranks of those in power sometimes acted and women. Recall, for example, Cleopatra, Catherine II, Empress Anna … After the October Revolution in Russia in 1917, the government is not only "passed into the hands of the people" at the same time opened free path for most women. Now women can be seen not just as housewives or mothers, and a leather jacket Cheka. With the development of civilization, equality between men and women are increasingly gathering momentum, and in the 20s there was "a star of the fair sex ', by which the weak become stronger sex – Coco Chanel. It was this woman, according to one of her biographers, "…

has created the woman to her world did not know. She made a woman a new creature, all-powerful, despite the legendary female weakness. " Today, we are not surprised that in state institutions, in high positions in business, we meet in executive positions is women. But, like any "Death", and these women, there are holidays – birthdays, professional holiday, New Year, 8th March, and other nice days. And like everyone else, they also love to receive gifts – remember Eeyore from a good fairy tale, "Winnie the Pooh all all all .. "and his desire to birth date and" necessary, desirable gift? " It is this combination – a "desirable and necessary" can be applied in this case – if you select a gift of his boss.