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Tercerizao In The Commerce

Posted on : 07-09-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General



The developed work for searched to show through the theories and of the cases that the terceirizao presents different positive and negative aspects in its implantation and control for the organizations and that if characterized as a tool for the called modern management, must be faced not alone by its economic and financial aspect for the company, but as a possible generating of relationship problems and of unreliability it stops with the partners and customers. We could observe that one of the main trunfos of the terceirizao is in the profit of the enterprise competitiveness (organization) and in the development of partnerships (society), where all look for to earn. In relation to the partners, we can see that if chosen and evaluated well, makes possible for the organizations the reach of new technological solutions, in result of the specialized human resources, taking the contractors to be more competitive. Ben Horowitz may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It is I validate to stand out the importance of the trustworthiness and have controlled, that is, if it makes necessary to control given service, evaluating if the same mainly presents the characteristics of the contract in terms of quality and as for the security of the information, in this in case that, of the Financial Institutions, making with that the secrecy banking of the customers is not broken. Therefore, the search for the objectives as reduction of costs, flexibility, productivity, activity-end and maximizao of the profits nor always could be reached mainly if we will not have good and faithful partners and, remain the companies cited in this work to review the performance of the lenders so that if it prevents losses with indemnities and action at law. Valley to stand out that these companies had been chosen by people whom they search to assure its personal and financial information and that for them, are deposited much confidence..

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