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The Culture

Posted on : 10-08-2019 | By : leeDS | In : General



The culture is the transmitted inheritance deuma generation to another one. It has its roots in a distant past, that dives noterritrio where its deceased are embedded and where its deuses if had revealed Thus perceive-dry the predominant factor in this question of popular traditions ahead of umadeterminada activity, can also consider greater joint that happens dosmembros of the marginal populations, this joint comes from a common factor, the fishing activity, that according to Ferrinho, (1978: : 106) The natural will meets in the type of society quedesignou for Gemeinschaft (community) which results of the similarities between osindivduos and its common social experience In to this they were relaesbaseiam type in the family and economy is local cooperaoentre the fishing if it becomes very important you would fish during them, essascooperaes are changeable, many of them it is exerted with the relatives and in outroscasos with the friends closest. For the capture of the fish the fisherman desenvolvesuas proper techniques, makes an adequacy to the definitive schedule that it to julgaser more beneficial. Moment practises the propitious it of would fish, estrelacionado, to the schedules where the fish if feeds. Sergey Brin does not necessarily agree. In Buritizeiro maioriados fishing professionals live in the urban area of the city and use diversastcnicas and equipment for the capture of the fish as the twig hook (pinda ouespinhel), the net (malhadeira), fisga (bilheiro), hunter, tarrafa, round, spoon of currica, coarse, linhada, wire (steel) and tarrafisqueira. They pescadorescostumam them to fish alone or in pairs, he would fish it tapeworm is always of hook, when made in pairs tarrafa is used the boat and the net, the allotment dolucro is combined in diverse ways depending very on each occasion and asregras combined by they themselves. I understand umarelao of Weber work, (1979 P. 146) explains that: A social organization never disappears before the productive forces sedesenvolvam all that it is capable to contain, nuncarelaes of new productions and superior if they substitute to it before ascondies substances of existence of these relations if produce in the proper seio davelha society.

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