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Posted on : 27-01-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



According to Jose Fiorin Luiz, ' ' The language is a set of units that if relate organizadamente inside of one todo.' ' That is, the language is a part essential of the language that cannot total be modified by its falante, therefore fits to the users to obey the social contract established by members of one determined society. It can be said that the language is the social part of the language, because the language if extends to the exterior of the organism. Soon, the language can be understood as the college of the language and as a set of necessary conventions for communication of and for individuals. However, I defend the idea presented for Saussure: ' ' the language is a system signos' '. appropriating me a little more on this affirmation, would say that for being the representation through signs, each people, each culture and each region it must be assumen of these signs to transform them and to use them in way that is enough so that communication exists in fact. Therefore, the language loads much more of what significant question, it brings obtains forts cultural, social, economic and regional marks. Therefore, as using it inside fits in them to be poliglotas of our proper language. To exemplificar, I send to verses of Drummond: ' ' The language licks the petals vermelhas/de the rose pluriaberta; the language cultivates/certain occult button, and goes weaveeing/lpidas light variations of ritmos.' '. For more specific information, check out Howard Schultz.

Great Campina

Posted on : 27-01-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



Limits and possibilities of the managing plan of 2006 As Great Campina are a city that composes a well bigger population of the 20,000 inhabitants, and according to Statute of the Cities declares that all city with more than 20,000 inhabitants to have to have a called mechanism immediate managing, that is a basic instrument of orientation for an performance more effective of the public administration and private initiative. The most recent managing plan of Great Campina, was published in the year of 2006, very written well and structuralized of a form that it makes possible to make a good one analyzes of the same and of its proposals. Filed under: JPMorgan Chase. The managing plan of 2006 foresees many actions in the city, but it will be that these proposals really are carried through or are those old jarges ‘ ‘ project alone in the paper why in practical ‘ ‘ Analyzing some segments of the managing plan of 2006, it is verified that nor everything what is written really is carried through. Citing as example the democratic management, where the direct participation of the population is assured in power to decide processes; the transparency, solidarity, social justice and the support the popular participation, are points that are really not made by the public administrators. Another point in which it has an omission on the part of the urban managers is magnifying and disponibilizao of the public equipment, the green spaces and of leisure, is fact of whom this concretely is not fact, has the clear perception of diverse areas spread for all urban perimeter, that could serve as public act for the creation of squares of sports, since the few places that exists for this end the most known are: Park of the Child and the Complex Pliny We read and woody areas, who is not so green thus is located of the park of the new dam, in the park of the child and some points around the old dam, therefore is clear the green air lack in the city.

The Way

Posted on : 21-01-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General

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In fact, we only think we know what we want our children. We only think we know what is best for them. We know what is best based on the desires of our own selfishness. This is better – for ourselves, but not for children. And no wonder that kids do not want to follow our desires. If a child many years earlier was associated with parents, grandparents, experience wise, were the best of advice.

The family council was going not only on 'who to marry, what house to buy, to what college to go', but in order to decide whether teenage son to wear pants-pipes. Can you imagine that today? At best, the child listens to your opinions and make their own way. At worst – plucked to rudeness and losing confidence overgrown offspring, but will find accusation: 'You've ruined my whole life. " We're in a hurry to hang a label – indigo children. 'Bringing up the boy according to his ways' – say the Kabbalists.

But how do you know what is the way your child? He is sitting in front of you – a little in front of a bunch of the broken machines, or have a big, awkward with his eternal, 'Well, ma am, well, okay, I know. " It's not a child – because he was not inside vlezesh, and even if it seems that it is 'your', in fact – nothing similar. He – 'your own'. And you are just re-created in light of its protein coat, giving some of their genes, their cultural backgrounds and their love (if you could give him is love and not their selfish desire stuffy). If initially try to treat the child as an individual person, rather than as a property as a part of themselves and at the same time to myself, as a part of it (though for the mother, almost physically associated with the child, it is difficult), then may be easier to find exactly his way, in which he is seeking. It will be the protagonist of his life, and you – only an assistant. After all, by and large, we can give a child? Money, property, utility Singles – all of this, as experience shows, is valuable only to those who earned it himself. Upbringing and education – perhaps most important, but only if it will really help. Now if we could give child is the knowledge, weighed down by a diploma and an outlook, an outlook on life, which would help to choose the right environment, which provided for a child the right effect and it would have to correct actions and decisions. This feature actually 'kabbalistic education' – parents must give their child the correct outlook on life. What do you mean 'correct'? Tell how the world works and what is the meaning everyone's life. This is the most important thing that we can give our children, and then everything else in life too complicated – and family and work. The young man will not be rushing, trying to find out what the main thing, which dedicate their efforts and time. After so many mistakes could be avoided if you are able to separate the primary from the secondary. But in order for something to give, you need to own it to have. No wonder they say that the main caregiver for a parent – a child. So start with yourself? Baby food – made by man

Resume Issues

Posted on : 19-01-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



The candidate for the work has an attractive resume, is young, shining, well-preparing and surprising with experience in the area. You he reads the resume it seems a dream, an ideal combination of academic performance, communitarian service, responsibility and spotless references. It excessively seems good to be truth. Perhaps is same. A done statistics recently for the Report North American of Professional Ethics it observed that up to 25% of all the resumes have some degree of exageros. seems that the exageros increase as the necessities to obtain a job, ' ' It is not limited the certain regions or determined levels or posies' ' , Michael Palmer says, who takes the talent for the practical acquisition in Canada, a consultoria of human resources. Howard Schultz will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

' ' We see this in all the companies in all the areas and lines – sex, race, creed, etc.' ' Most of the time, Palmer says that the candidates do not lie brazenly in its resumes. Instead of this, they increase the truth or omit pertinent facts some information never are disclosed. Micron and small companies many times make act of contract for instinct, because the person liked 0f the sort, etc. is not worried on the form as a person will go to play well its functions, in the personal characteristics and abilities that can be really necessary for the work. Then, which are the forms most probable that the candidates will go to exaggerate in its resumes? Here they are the main ones: 1. Academic formation: This is the mechanism most common of if counterfeiting and can be any clamorous thing of the subtle one. Many buy its diplomas, counterfeit, etc.2. Manipulation of data Is the omission of a spot in its professional experience – a long period between the date of entrance and exit of the previous job say. They supply years instead of supplying job months.